
To work on my book series, blog, or twitter, that is the question after all the chores are finished and my family is happy and well. So, lately, I have chosen to use my spare, precious, minutes to work on my book series. Which is to say, of course, I have sorely neglected my blog, and my twittering has something to be desired.

I've been editing, rewriting, and rearranging each valuable chapter. And might I just add, having the time of my life. I love what is happening to my characters, how they express themselves, how they react, and what trouble they get into.

It's great fun.

But oh, how the time has flown. I no sooner sit down at my desk and start to type when, poof, it's time to quit and the day is far spent. How is that possible? I swear I've only been at the computer for ten minutes. Such a strange phenomenon, this otherworldly time-warp while writing.

So, I'm finally poking my head out of my writing room and checking in. Oh, no. It's already the middle of January... ahhh! Quick! Back to work!


Ann Mauren said...

You've witnessed the phenomenon too! "I swear I've only been at the computer for ten minutes. Such a strange phenomenon, this otherworldly time-warp while writing"

Wish I could find the worm-hole that causes the inverse phenomenon! I could charge admission and finally have a stay at home job! :)

Loved this post, Gwen. I relate to your thoughts here 100%!

Gwen Stickle said...

Thank you for the lovely comment. Wouldn't that be so great to reverse? He, he.